New Year’s resolutions are an opportunity for healthcare providers to redouble their commitment to patients and patient care.

While resolutions are not the most effective goal setting method on their own, they are a great starting point to refocus staff and clinical efforts. In 2019, many physicians will focus their efforts around one or more of the following areas.

Join your colleagues and consider what your practice will improve on in 2019. Once you have chosen an area, work with your team to set specific and effective goals.

10 New Year’s Resolutions for Physicians

1) Guarantee patient satisfaction

Changes in healthcare are pushing doctors to care for patients in shorter visits while juggling more administrative tasks. Find ways to guarantee patient satisfaction while you continue providing quality care with short, efficient office visits.

2) Use effective patient-physician communication

As a physician, one of your most underrated skills is your ability to effectively and compassionately communicate with patients. Adopt best practices for patient-physician communication that improve patient satisfaction, reduce the likelihood of litigation, and improve patient outcomes.

3) Build your online presence

Americans increasingly trust online doctor reviews, so it’s vital that your online presence reflect the quality of your practice. Make 2019 the year when you build your presence with online directories, Google Maps, and your practice website.

4) Find work-life balance

Physician burnout has reached unhealthy levels, and many providers are seeking better work-life balance. Make this the year that you reigned in that after hours EHR time.

5) Make friends with your EHR

Many doctors are frustrated that digitization hasn’t delivered on promises to make medical care easier and more efficient. Embrace smart solutions and optimize your EHR time to finally get what you wanted in the first place.

6) Integrate mobile health

Mobile devices are quickly becoming a mainstay in today’s medical practice. Learn how to make your smartphone a valuable clinical tool.

7) Streamline medical transcription

Doctors are frustrated with time spent on clinical documentation and how it cuts into time with patients. Implementing the right medical transcription strategy can help.

8) Embrace efficient clinical documentation

As healthcare adopts value-based care models, it’s common to focus on clinical documentation improvement. Implement documentation techniques that don’t add extra time-consuming work.

9) Stay apace with innovation and research

Conferences are one of the best places to learn about new developments and innovations in medicine. Plan your travel now and attend one of the top 2019 conferences for healthcare and digital health.

10) Tighten up your data security

Computers have created new challenges for medical office data security, and the weakest link is the user. Work with your team to implement best practices for cybersecurity in healthcare.

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