
Mobius Conveyor sets a new standard for intuitive medical dictation

Electronic medical records revolutionized healthcare, but they came with a big catch: typing. Mobius Conveyor is the high-end, next-generation software that makes medical dictation more intuitive than ever before. … Read More

How to easily print specimen labels with Mobius Clinic

How to easily print specimen labels with Mobius Clinic

Writing specimen labels by hand takes time and creates opportunities for labeling errors. What if there were an easy, low-cost way to instantly print specimen labels from your smartphone? With Mobius Clinic, there is. Mobius now makes it easier than … Read More

Even the FDA is going mobile

Mobile devices like smartphones and tablets are transforming healthcare for patients and providers. Mobile medical apps allow patients to take a more active role in their care by supporting education, health tracking, wearables and reminders. Apps also streamline a huge … Read More

How to take a blood pressure reading the right way

The number of American adults with high blood pressure nearly doubled last week when the American College of Cardiology (ACA) and American Heart Association (AHA) released new guidelines and definitions for hypertension. Among the new guidelines is a checklist for … Read More