Artificial Intelligence

Can AI Reduce Physician Burnout

Can AI Reduce Physician Burnout?

Artificial intelligence (AI) promises to automate tedious tasks in many industries. At a time when healthcare experts are declaring physician burnout a public health crisis, can AI reduce doctors’ workload and improve their wellbeing? How AI Can Reduce Physician Burnout … Read More

How to talk about your AI scribe with patients

AI scribes are a technology solution that streamlines clinical documentation by transcribing a patient encounter to draft a structured clinical note automatically. This type of software is relatively new, and providers are still learning how best to incorporate scribe software … Read More

Doctors using AI medical scribes for clinical documentation are freed to focus entirely on patients

Do AI medical scribes work?

Clinical documentation has become a significant source of professional dissatisfaction for doctors, who spend hours in the EHR daily. In addition, entering data during visits makes it harder for physicians to communicate empathetically with patients. Could AI medical scribes alleviate … Read More

dictating clinical notes during patient visits has real advantages

What is AI-powered medical dictation?

Artificial intelligence is rapidly changing our digital lives, including in healthcare. For doctors, one of the most exciting developments is AI-enabled medical dictation. AI medical dictation uses artificial intelligence (AI) technology to transcribe providers’ spoken medical notes into text format. … Read More

Doctor talking to a patient while ambient clinical intelligence documents the visit

Will ambient clinical intelligence solve healthcare’s documentation problem? 

Nobody went to medical school so they could spend hours a day entering data into an EHR. However, surveys show that many doctors spend over 15 hours weekly on paperwork and administration. Could ambient clinical intelligence be the solution? If … Read More

What is Documentitis?

Documentitis is an inflammation affecting healthcare providers who spend too much time on the computer to meet burdensome documentation requirements.  If you’re a doctor or healthcare professional who spends over half of your work day on the computer, or if … Read More

Mobius MD announces Conveyor AI medical scribe

Mobius MD is excited to announce Conveyor AI, a new AI medical scribe that can write 80% of a physician’s clinical note in 60 seconds. Say goodbye to after-hours EHR time. The Cure for ‘Documentitis’ Documentitis | noun 1: Inflammation … Read More