Disease Resistance

Most experts agree COVID is endemic

Is COVID endemic?

Most public health experts agree that infection from SARS-CoV-2 is now at endemic, rather than pandemic, levels. However, calling COVID “endemic” risks encouraging a lackadaisical public response to a disease that still has serious consequences. Let’s review the state of … Read More

What is Documentitis?

Documentitis is an inflammation affecting healthcare providers who spend too much time on the computer to meet burdensome documentation requirements.  If you’re a doctor or healthcare professional who spends over half of your work day on the computer, or if … Read More

How to prepare your medical office for a second wave of COVID-19

Data suggests that COVID-19 cases may peak in the U.S. more than once. In many U.S. states, the first wave of the virus has passed. In others, cases are still increasing. Wherever you find yourself in the country, it’s important … Read More

COVID-19: How to safely reopen your medical practice

As stay-at-home restrictions are relaxed, heath care systems in some regions are reopening for non-emergent care. This reopening has come with a flurry guidelines for physician practices. Let’s summarize the most important recommendations, so you can safely reopen your medical … Read More

The impact of COVID-19 on primary care practices

The U.S. healthcare system is changing fast as institutions and providers scramble to keep up with evolving circumstances. One of the biggest challenges has been the impact of COVID-19 on primary care practices. Here are 10 facts that help explain … Read More

How to combat physician burnout during COVID-19

Physicians and other health care professionals are playing a critical role in the response to COVID-19, and we need them to stay healthy as long as possible. As doctors do everything they can, we also need to combat physician burnout … Read More

Where did #FlattenTheCurve come from?

The flatten the curve gif was posted on March 8, and by the end of the week it had made over 4.5 million impressions on Twitter. But if you’re just catching up on the phenomenon, you might have some questions. … Read More

Is your smartphone a coronavirus risk? Tips for healthcare workers

As hygiene concerns skyrocket in light of the novel coronavirus, many people are asking an important question: Are smartphones a coronavirus risk? This question is especially relevant for healthcare workers who use their smartphone or tablet at work. Let’s look … Read More