
APIs in Healthcare: A Guide for Physicians

An application programming interface (API) is a set of standards that govern how software applications talk to each other. APIs are increasingly important in healthcare data exchange, whether for data analytics, medical research, or creating innovative ways to access the … Read More

Top 3 email newsletters for orthopedists

As an orthopedist, your time is precious. You’re already busy seeing patients, doing surgeries, and keeping up with charting. But you also want to stay current with the latest research and medical innovation. Curated email newsletters for orthopedists are a … Read More

Is your medical office Wi-Fi fast enough?

With the growing use of mobile devices in healthcare, clinics need fast wireless internet. But is your medical office Wi-Fi fast enough? Most small medical practices don’t have a dedicated IT staff person. This leaves physicians or administrators in charge … Read More

Is your medical office Wi-Fi fast enough?

With the growing use of mobile devices in healthcare, medical offices need fast wireless internet. But is your medical office Wi-Fi fast enough? Small practices are unlikely to have a dedicated IT staff person, leaving physicians or administrators in charge … Read MoreRead More

Building an online presence for your medical practice

Most physicians have realized the importance of having an online presence. The most obvious reason is that your practice will serve more people if it shows up when a potential patient searches for providers. Just as important – but less … Read More

Diagnosing slow Wi-Fi in your medical practice office

Wireless internet is a great fit for healthcare. With a well-configured Wi-Fi network, providers can stay connected as they move from room to room between smartphones, tablets and laptops. This freedom of movement is a huge benefit and is helping … Read More