Mental Health

The state of physician burnout in 2024

Physician burnout is a significant problem that harms providers, patients, families, and healthcare systems.  But exactly how many physicians are burned out? How many are depressed? Which physicians are most affected? And what causes physician burnout?  This article will answer … Read More

What is Documentitis?

Documentitis is an inflammation affecting healthcare providers who spend too much time on the computer to meet burdensome documentation requirements.  If you’re a doctor or healthcare professional who spends over half of your work day on the computer, or if … Read More

How to improve physicians’ professional satisfaction

High rates of physician burnout have pushed healthcare to focus more on physicians’ professional satisfaction. For example, in the past decade, leaders have started talking about the Quadruple Aim of healthcare, which emphasizes provider well-being as a critical consideration alongside … Read More

3 benefits of digital technology in healthcare

The Covid-19 pandemic ushered in the adoption of digital technology in healthcare, especially telehealth. But much of that technology was being gradually implemented and continues to be relevant even when in-person care is possible. From AI chatbots to apps that … Read More

Physician work-life balance: six tips for doctors

It’s no wonder work-life balance has become a hot topic in recent years. Three-quarters of working Americans have experienced burnout at their jobs, and a recent Harvard report called physician burnout a public health crisis. Physician work-life balance isn’t a … Read More

7 vacation tips for physicians

One of the best ways to avoid burnout is to take a proper vacation at least once a year. But as a busy physician, sometimes taking time off can feel harder than work. These physician vacation tips will help you … Read More

How bad is physician burnout?

Physician burnout has skyrocketed in recent years, leading some to declare the problem a public health crisis. But as occupational burnout becomes more common, the term also gets used more loosely. What is physician burnout, what causes it, and how … Read More

Do EHRs actually contribute to physician burnout?

There’s a common belief that EHRs are a major factor contributing to physician burnout. But what does the research say? A 2020 study finds a significant connection, and that there’s something we can do about it.  EHRs and physician burnout … Read More

How to address provider and staff mental health amid the COVID-19 pandemic

Medical practices are navigating a host of unique challenges in light of COVID-19, including reduced staff, the newness of telemedicine and how to safely reopen for non-urgent care. Amidst all of this, practices also need to address provider and staff mental … Read More

How to combat physician burnout during COVID-19

Physicians and other health care professionals are playing a critical role in the response to COVID-19, and we need them to stay healthy as long as possible. As doctors do everything they can, we also need to combat physician burnout … Read More