Mobile Health Info

Smartphone hygiene in healthcare: When did you last clean your phone?

As a healthcare worker, you wash your hands frequently throughout the workday. But when was the last time you cleaned your phone? Most people know smartphone hygiene matters, but it’s easy to overlook during our busy workday.  Why should you … Read More

benefits of mobile devices in healthcare

What are the benefits of mobile devices in healthcare?

Smartphones and tablets are quickly becoming a mainstay in hospitals and clinics. Physicians point to three main benefits of mobile devices in healthcare: better staff coordination, improved patient communication, and mobile access to EHRs. That’s according to a mobile health … Read MoreRead More

6 digital health trends transforming care in 2020

As a physician, keeping up with the digital transformation of healthcare can feel overwhelming. But positive innovation can streamline physicians’ work, optimize systems, improve patient outcomes, and lower costs. Let’s look at six digital health trends that are transforming care … Read MoreRead More

Benefits of a mobile EMR during the pandemic

As smartphones become nearly essential for daily life, more doctors are realizing that their mobile device is also a valuable clinical tool. This has never been more apparent than during the COVID-19 pandemic when flexibility and efficiency are at a … Read More