Public health

The state of physician burnout in 2024

Physician burnout is a significant problem that harms providers, patients, families, and healthcare systems.  But exactly how many physicians are burned out? How many are depressed? Which physicians are most affected? And what causes physician burnout?  This article will answer … Read More

Most experts agree COVID is endemic

Is COVID endemic?

Most public health experts agree that infection from SARS-CoV-2 is now at endemic, rather than pandemic, levels. However, calling COVID “endemic” risks encouraging a lackadaisical public response to a disease that still has serious consequences. Let’s review the state of … Read More

What is the Quadruple Aim of healthcare?

The Triple Aim of healthcare refers to three goals: enhancing the patient experience, improving population health, and reducing costs. However, in the past decade, physicians and healthcare leaders have realized that we can only accomplish the Triple Aim if the … Read More

Smartphone hygiene in healthcare: When did you last clean your phone?

As a healthcare worker, you wash your hands frequently throughout the workday. But when was the last time you cleaned your phone? Most people know smartphone hygiene matters, but it’s easy to overlook during our busy workday.  Why should you … Read More

Physician work-life balance: six tips for doctors

It’s no wonder work-life balance has become a hot topic in recent years. Three-quarters of working Americans have experienced burnout at their jobs, and a recent Harvard report called physician burnout a public health crisis. Physician work-life balance isn’t a … Read More

How to make telehealth accessible for all patients

Virtual care and remote monitoring have been critical assets for the initial healthcare response to COVID-19. But as medical practices reopen, it’s important to develop long-term telehealth strategies for continuing to operate during a pandemic. One important consideration is how … Read More

The impact of COVID-19 on primary care practices

The U.S. healthcare system is changing fast as institutions and providers scramble to keep up with evolving circumstances. One of the biggest challenges has been the impact of COVID-19 on primary care practices. Here are 10 facts that help explain … Read More

Why vital signs matter at every appointment

Vital signs are a critical component of patient care, and they matter at every appointment. Taking vitals regularly can help assess a person’s general physical health, give clues about possible diseases, and show progress toward recovery. Taking vitals is routine … Read More

Flu season reveals a growing role for digital health

It’s been a bad year for the flu. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) just announced that flu-related hospitalization rates are exceeding milestones set during the 2014-2015 season. If trends continue, analysts are predicting 36 million flu cases … Read More

The future of diabetes management with digital health

Diabetes and digital health are a natural fit. Because diabetes requires patients to regularly monitor their blood glucose level, it is in a sense a truly technologically dependent condition. Fortunately, digital health has been pretty active when it comes to … Read More