
The state of physician burnout in 2024

Physician burnout is a significant problem that harms providers, patients, families, and healthcare systems.  But exactly how many physicians are burned out? How many are depressed? Which physicians are most affected? And what causes physician burnout?  This article will answer … Read More

5 productivity tips for doctors

Doctors are notoriously time-starved. Not only are there not enough U.S. physicians, but most also face a growing administrative load. The result is too many clinicians working harder and longer hours, and roughly half of physicians reporting symptoms of burnout. … Read More

7 habits of highly efficient physicians

Research has shown that family physicians manage an immense administrative burden. One recent study of 142 family medicine doctors found they spend on average one and a half hours after work completing EHR tasks or paperwork. This nightly “pajama time” … Read More

How to use EHR Macros with mobile dictation

When it comes to clinical documentation, less is often more. As a great physician, you want to balance being thorough with being able to stop working when you get home from the office. EHR macros can help reduce the amount … Read More

How to make your medical office more efficient as a result of the pandemic

Medical offices have drastically adjusted their day-to-day operations as a result of COVID-19. While most changes are temporary, some are improvements that will change the ways physicians practice medicine. Let’s look at how you can make your office more efficient … Read More

Telehealth billing during COVID-19

The Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) recently changed telehealth billing during COVID-19. CMS also waived certain telehealth rules with the goal of expanding patient access to healthcare while remaining at home. Telehealth billing during COVID-19 As a physician … Read More

COVID-19: How to safely reopen your medical practice

As stay-at-home restrictions are relaxed, heath care systems in some regions are reopening for non-emergent care. This reopening has come with a flurry guidelines for physician practices. Let’s summarize the most important recommendations, so you can safely reopen your medical … Read More

The impact of COVID-19 on primary care practices

The U.S. healthcare system is changing fast as institutions and providers scramble to keep up with evolving circumstances. One of the biggest challenges has been the impact of COVID-19 on primary care practices. Here are 10 facts that help explain … Read More

What is home-based primary care?

Home-based primary care (HBPC) is a healthcare model in which the practitioner travels to the patient. Commonly called “house calls,” HBPC targets the most complex and costliest patients in society. House calls were nearly extinct by the end of the … Read More

Are physician house calls making a comeback?

When most people think of physician house calls they imagine a quaint scene. A kindly, experienced doctor carrying a black bag knocks on the doors of the infirm. Just two decades ago, most observers would have said that this model … Read More