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How single sign-on (SSO) in healthcare improves a provider’s day

Are you ever frustrated by how often you log in to different apps or accounts? Constantly typing passwords and signing in can add precious minutes to an otherwise full work day. That’s one reason why many hospitals and healthcare organizations … Read More

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Why is faxing still common in medicine?

Digital technology has transformed healthcare. Patients can message providers and view test results through a patient portal, doctors can use their smartphones to dictate clinical notes, and nearly every hospital or clinic in the United States uses electronic health records. … Read More

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Make telehealth easier with Mobius Clinic

Since the COVID-19 pandemic accelerated the shift to telehealth, many doctors are calling and videoconferencing with patients. Mobius Clinic has several features that make telehealth easier for physicians and their staff. Telehealth requires new workflows Before the initial COVID-19 spike, … Read More

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Surface decontamination – best practices in a medical clinics

If you work in a medical clinic, you probably have well-developed routines and habits for surface decontamination. But the outbreak of COVID-19 gave healthcare providers a brutal reminder of how easily microorganisms can spread and the consequences when they do. … Read More

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How to optimize iOS for healthcare providers

Apple is very good about updating its iOS operating system, which powers iPhones and iPads. But busy healthcare providers often don’t have time to learn the details of the latest updates. This article will show you how to optimize iOS … Read More

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3 benefits of digital technology in healthcare

The Covid-19 pandemic ushered in the adoption of digital technology in healthcare, especially telehealth. But much of that technology was being gradually implemented and continues to be relevant even when in-person care is possible. From AI chatbots to apps that … Read More

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Physician work-life balance: six tips for doctors

It’s no wonder work-life balance has become a hot topic in recent years. Three-quarters of working Americans have experienced burnout at their jobs, and a recent Harvard report called physician burnout a public health crisis. Physician work-life balance isn’t a … Read More

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5 productivity tips for doctors

Doctors are notoriously time-starved. Not only are there not enough U.S. physicians, but most also face a growing administrative load. The result is too many clinicians working harder and longer hours, and roughly half of physicians reporting symptoms of burnout. … Read More

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How to be an efficient medical resident

Starting residency is a significant milestone for every new doctor. While having your own patients will make years of medical school feel worthwhile, the hard work isn’t over yet. Residency can be even busier than medical school, and you’ll be … Read More

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How to use voice commands for medical dictation

To maximize the potential of modern voice recognition software, physicians need to invest at least some time in optimizing their dictation workflow. While this requires some extra energy upfront, it is well worth the effort. After mastering the basics of … Read More

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