Masonry Blog

A remedy for smartphone distraction in healthcare

When smartphones first became ubiquitous, observers raised concerns: “How can we avoid the risks of smartphone distraction in healthcare?” There were serious discussions about distracted doctoring, and many hospitals adopted mobile device policies. Texting from the operating room even led … Read More

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Reduce EMR time with fewer clicks

Studies have found that many doctors click thousands of times in the EMR each day. Eliminating just a few clicks or keystrokes can reduce EMR time by hours each week.  A growing problem The average US doctor spends over 15 … Read More

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Why doctors should stop typing

Why doctors should stop typing

Providers are spending more time than ever documenting patient visits in the EHR. One solution is to stop typing and use medical dictation to streamline clinical documentation.  US doctors spend over 15 hours per week on paperwork and administration. That … Read More

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7 vacation tips for physicians

One of the best ways to avoid burnout is to take a proper vacation at least once a year. But as a busy physician, sometimes taking time off can feel harder than work. These physician vacation tips will help you … Read More

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11 Need-to-Know Benefits of EHRs

Most U.S. physicians and hospitals have transitioned to using electronic health records (EHRs), but doctors still aren’t satisfied with the technology. Reviewing the benefits of EHRs can help you assess how to use your EHR more effectively.  How many doctors … Read More

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How bad is physician burnout?

Physician burnout has skyrocketed in recent years, leading some to declare the problem a public health crisis. But as occupational burnout becomes more common, the term also gets used more loosely. What is physician burnout, what causes it, and how … Read More

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12 key strategies to improve patient communication

Surveys have consistently shown that patients want better communication with their doctors. But when physicians face a busy workday, patient communication often gets lost in the shuffle.  As a doctor who interacts with patients every day, you are already a … Read More

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Can mHealth cure physician burnout?

Medscape’s Physician Compensation Report is widely known as the go-to source for salary information and other factors affecting US doctors’ income. But tucked among the statistics about which specialties feel fairly compensated, you’ll find numbers that also tell a story … Read MoreRead More

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How Dr. Dawn Sears is empowering women physicians

If you’re a woman and a physician feeling overworked and burnt out, Dawn Sears, MD, has a message for you: “You don’t have to leave medicine.” I sat down with Dr. Sears to talk about the new ACE Conference (“Authenticity, … Read More

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Mobius Conveyor vs. Dragon: What’s the best medical dictation software?

Are you looking for medical dictation software that works on your Mac and PC? While most physicians are familiar with Nuance’s Dragon Medical, it has limitations. That’s why many clinicians are calling Mobius MD’s groundbreaking Conveyor app the best medical … Read MoreRead More

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