Digital health

How single sign-on (SSO) in healthcare improves a provider’s day

Are you ever frustrated by how often you log in to different apps or accounts? Constantly typing passwords and signing in can add precious minutes to an otherwise full work day. That’s one reason why many hospitals and healthcare organizations … Read More

3 benefits of digital technology in healthcare

The Covid-19 pandemic ushered in the adoption of digital technology in healthcare, especially telehealth. But much of that technology was being gradually implemented and continues to be relevant even when in-person care is possible. From AI chatbots to apps that … Read More

Reduce EMR time with fewer clicks

Studies have found that many doctors click thousands of times in the EMR each day. Eliminating just a few clicks or keystrokes can reduce EMR time by hours each week.  A growing problem The average US doctor spends over 15 … Read More

Mobius Conveyor vs. Dragon: What’s the best medical dictation software?

Are you looking for medical dictation software that works on your Mac and PC? While most physicians are familiar with Nuance’s Dragon Medical, it has limitations. That’s why many clinicians are calling Mobius MD’s groundbreaking Conveyor app the best medical … Read MoreRead More

List of 2022 Healthcare IT and Digital Health Conferences

Conferences for all industries took a hit during the COVID-19 pandemic. But despite the setbacks, event organizers have continued announcing your favorite digital health conferences for 2022. Most events are in-person, with many offering options to attend online.  Whether in … Read More

Smartphones in healthcare: an introduction

Here at Mobius MD, we’re committed to helping medical practices boost their EHR productivity with modern technology. That’s why, for nearly a decade, we’ve kept a weekly blog to share emerging ideas about medical workflow and smartphones in healthcare. Smartphones … Read More

11 surprising mobile health statistics

Mobile health may seem like old news, but smartphone use for health and fitness is still growing fast in 2021. There are more mobile device users and mHealth apps than ever before. Most smartphones owners have downloaded an mHealth app … Read MoreRead More

What you need to know about giving patients access to clinical notes

A new federal rule requires that all providers give patients access to clinical notes starting April 5, 2021. As a practicing physician, what do you need to know? Patients are now required to have access to clinical notes The new … Read More

2021 Digital Health Conferences

Conferences for all industries took a hit in 2020, with many events canceled or replaced with digital webinars due to the COVID-19 pandemic. But despite the setbacks, event organizers have continued announcing your favorite digital health conferences for 2021.  Typically … Read MoreRead More

7 habits of highly efficient physicians

Research has shown that family physicians manage an immense administrative burden. One recent study of 142 family medicine doctors found they spend on average one and a half hours after work completing EHR tasks or paperwork. This nightly “pajama time” … Read More