Digital health

2018 Healthcare Technology and Digital Medicine Conferences

In January we published a popular list of the top 2018 conferences for digital health. While some of this year’s biggest industry gatherings have already happened – think CES or HIMSS – there are still opportunities to network before the … Read More

How to choose the best mobile health apps for patients

Mobile health applications are proliferating, but for healthcare providers this creates the challenge of knowing which mHealth apps to prescribe. Which mobile health apps are safe and effective for your patients? A new initiative called Xcertia aims to answer just … Read More

The astounding pace of mHealth innovation in diabetes management

The pace of digital health innovation around solutions for diabetes management has been astounding. With the growing using of smartphones and mobile apps, people living with diabetes have better access to blood glucose readings and general health information than ever … Read More

Choosing the right medical app for data security

The past few years have seen record numbers of data breaches caused by cyberattacks and ransomware. These breaches have heightened legitimate concerns about the security of protected health information. As a provider, you’re already familiar with HIPAA, or the Health … Read More

Your smartphone is now a medical device

The idea of using smartphones in a medical context is now pretty common, but the range of applications remains small. Patients might use their phone to track steps or set medication reminders, while clinicians use their devices for general communication … Read More

Flu season reveals a growing role for digital health

It’s been a bad year for the flu. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) just announced that flu-related hospitalization rates are exceeding milestones set during the 2014-2015 season. If trends continue, analysts are predicting 36 million flu cases … Read More

5 unusual digital health innovations at CES 2018

Ever January innovators from across the globe flock to Las Vegas for CES, an annual trade show devoted to consumer technologies. This year, tucked the amidst self driving cars and augmented reality, you could find some unusual new digital health … Read MoreRead More

The future of diabetes management with digital health

Diabetes and digital health are a natural fit. Because diabetes requires patients to regularly monitor their blood glucose level, it is in a sense a truly technologically dependent condition. Fortunately, digital health has been pretty active when it comes to … Read More

Can digital health solve the opioid epidemic?

Once a peripheral drug problem, opioid addiction has become an epidemic in the United States. To address the crisis, many innovators and government agencies are turning to digital health technologies. While words like “crisis” and “epidemic” may seem overblown, prescription … Read More