
Internal wikis for medical practices

How much time do you waste searching for the information you need to get work done? If you own a small medical practice, how much time does your staff spend retrieving information? Internal wikis are a simple tool to help … Read More

How to improve your EHR templates

EHR templates can help busy providers save time while ensuring clinical documentation is consistent, high-quality, and complete. But how can you make the most of your templates? EHR templates tips and best practices Below are ten best practices for optimizing … Read More

How to be an efficient medical resident

Starting residency is a significant milestone for every new doctor. While having your own patients will make years of medical school feel worthwhile, the hard work isn’t over yet. Residency can be even busier than medical school, and you’ll be … Read More

Reduce EMR time with fewer clicks

Studies have found that many doctors click thousands of times in the EMR each day. Eliminating just a few clicks or keystrokes can reduce EMR time by hours each week.  A growing problem The average US doctor spends over 15 … Read More

7 vacation tips for physicians

One of the best ways to avoid burnout is to take a proper vacation at least once a year. But as a busy physician, sometimes taking time off can feel harder than work. These physician vacation tips will help you … Read More