Medical Records

What are the top EHR software solutions in 2018?

They key to a successful medical practice is effective and efficient patient care. For 9 out of 10 US doctors, that has meant a recent transition from paper charts to electronic health records. Electronic health record software is a digital … Read More

4 benefits of smart EMR template use

Templates are supported by most EMRs and for many providers they are a vital feature of their medical practice. If you don’t already use customized templates for patient documentation, here are five reasons they might improve your workflow. 1. Efficient … Read More

Are doctors quitting because of EHRs?

Healthcare has changed dramatically since 2009, when the Health Information and Technology (HITECH) Act incentivized a national move to electronic health records (EHR). Those incentives were successful – 98 percent of hospitals now use EHRs – but for many doctors … Read More