
Our flagship app, Mobius Mobile, is patient oriented, facilitating communication between patients and their medical providers. We also have another product, however, designed exclusively for professionals: Mobius Clinic, a mobile device system designed to optimize medical information gathering and transmission so practitioners can focus more time on taking care of patients.

Mobius Clinic automates and simplifies vital sign collection and eliminates the potential for errors associated with manual data entry, along with the time. Our system is not an electronic medical record (EMR/EHR); rather, it works with a practice’s existing EMR. Mobius Clinic also streamlines communication between staff to ensure that patients’ visits go as smoothly as possible.

The best way to describe the system is to walk through a typical patient visit using Mobius Clinic.

  1. The patient arrives – At the beginning of each patient appointment, a staff member brings the patient from the waiting room to the assigned exam room, using the Mobius Clinic app to indicate the room and to select which vital signs should be collected.

  2. Collecting vitals – The clinic staff have the option to either facilitate vital sign collection or allow the patient to collect vitals themselves. All devices to measure vitals—weight scale, pulse oximeter, blood pressure cuff, and thermometer— transmit information through the Mobius app. Results appear instantly on-screen and are automatically transmitted to the EMR. Patient data such as contact information, medications, allergies, and new problems can also be updated at this time.

  3. Need x-rays or labs? If an x-ray is required, staff can mark which films are needed through the app, which automatically notifies technicians when the patient is ready.

  4. Ready for the doctor – When a medical provider enters the exam room, the Mobius Clinic app identifies the patient using location awareness technology on the provider’s mobile device and automatically presents the patient’s record. From there, the provider can assign tasks or page staff members. Lists of tasks are custom to the practice and can be created or modified within the app.

  5. End of visit – At the completion of a visit, all tasks will be visible to other staff members involved with the patient. Staff can mark tasks as complete, and the app records when and who accomplishes each task.

The system is secure and exceeds HIPAA privacy requirements. Our list of compatible EMR platforms is long and we are continuously adding more.

EMRs have come a long way, but many require more of staff members’ time than old-fashioned paper records and take even more time to learn. Mobius Clinic is quick to set up, takes no time to learn, and instantly starts making patient visits more efficient. There is no need to slog through complicated manuals; the app is designed to be intuitive, even for those who have no experience with mobile technology.

All that time not spent fiddling with the EMR translates to more face-to-face time with the patient, allowing providers to give better, more personal care.

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