The state of physician burnout in 2024

Physician burnout is a significant problem that harms providers, patients, families, and healthcare systems.  But exactly how many physicians are burned out? How many are depressed? Which physicians are most affected? And what causes physician burnout?  This article will answer … Read More

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Most experts agree COVID is endemic

Is COVID endemic?

Most public health experts agree that infection from SARS-CoV-2 is now at endemic, rather than pandemic, levels. However, calling COVID “endemic” risks encouraging a lackadaisical public response to a disease that still has serious consequences. Let’s review the state of … Read More

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dictating clinical notes during patient visits has real advantages

The case for dictating clinical notes during patient visits

Most doctors wish they could spend less time documenting care and more time providing it. Dictating clinical notes in the presence of your patients is a win-win: you maximize efficiency and repeat the treatment plan to the patient.  Let’s review … Read More

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5 virtual backgrounds for telehealth providers

You’ve got a telehealth appointment scheduled in three minutes, but the office is cluttered, and there’s no time to tidy up. Rather than risk distracting your patient, consider using a virtual background.  While it’s generally preferable to use your actual … Read More

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Doctor using EHR

3 Best EHR Systems in 2024

Here’s some good news to brighten your day: many doctors feel that EHR systems improved their product performance in 2024. Despite the many headaches caused by a growing clinical documentation burden, it’s great to know that the best EHR systems … Read More

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How to write clinical notes faster (nine tips)

How to write clinical notes faster

Most doctors wish they could spend less time on paperwork and charting. One of the best ways to save documentation time is to write your clinical notes faster.  “But I already write my clinical notes very quickly!” you say. It’s … Read More

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The doctor is typing; would dictation be faster?

Typing vs. Dictation – Which is faster?

Many providers are looking for ways to save time and speed up charting. If you type clinical notes but are considering switching to medical dictation, you’re probably wondering, “Which is faster?” We did the math to help you decide between … Read More

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Can AI Reduce Physician Burnout

Can AI Reduce Physician Burnout?

Artificial intelligence (AI) promises to automate tedious tasks in many industries. At a time when healthcare experts are declaring physician burnout a public health crisis, can AI reduce doctors’ workload and improve their wellbeing? How AI Can Reduce Physician Burnout … Read More

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The Best Dictation Software for Doctors Who Use Macs

Many physicians use speech-to-text medical dictation software to save time on clinical notes. If you’re a doctor who uses a Mac, you likely value a clean, simple, functional aesthetic. You need an easy-to-use dictation software that understands medical terminology and … Read More

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Reducing healthcare's administrative burden

Healthcare’s Administrative Burden: What’s Being Done?

Nobody likes paperwork, but practicing medicine requires a lot of it. Between EHR documentation, inbox management, prior authorizations, and other clerical tasks, it’s a wonder physicians have time to care for patients. Healthcare’s administrative burden is taking a toll, but … Read More

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