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Mistake proof your practice to avoid medical errors

Medical errors are the third most common cause of death in the United States, according to a study by researchers at John Hopkins University. Data from the CDC now reflects this reality, listing “Accidents (unintentional injuries)” after cancer and heart … Read More

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Is it OK for doctors to use smartphones in front of patients?

Phone etiquette is changing fast, and it’s not always clear when and how it’s acceptable to use a smartphone. Everyone has had the experience of taking out their phone at a social gathering to send a text or look something … Read More

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How to secure PHI when using your smartphone

Mobile devices like smartphones and tablets are now common in medical practices. But these devices also introduce new risks and challenges for securing protected health information (PHI). If you’re a healthcare professional, it’s likely you’ve accessed or shared patient data … Read More

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Top 5 tools to reduce data entry errors in EHRs

Electronic health records have the potential to streamline data entry and improve accuracy. But they’re also a relatively new technology for health systems, which can be the cause of costly and dangerous mistakes. As a healthcare provider, make sure you … Read More

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Upload EHR documents faster with Mobius Clinic

Uploading paper documents to the patient chart can be a painful process. Even with athenhealth’s innovative barcode system, there are so many steps. Find the patient on athenanet, add a new document, create a bar code sticker, print the sticker, … Read More

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Best practices for smartphones in healthcare

Most doctors are using smartphones in their medical practice, which comes with big benefits and also some risks. Implement these best practices for smartphones in healthcare to ensure you are getting the most out of your mobile technology at work. … Read More

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7 ways healthcare professionals use smartphones

When the Blackberry first merged communication and computing features in 2002, it was hard to imagine how handheld mobile devices would change healthcare and other industries. But today, when over 90 percent of physicians’s use smartphones at work, it’s hard … Read MoreRead More

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How to understand your healthcare organization’s mobile device policies

Mobile devices are changing healthcare as more employees use their smartphones and tablets for work. Physicians and nurses are using their devices to check email, receive lab results, message with their team, and even add notes to the EHR. If … Read More

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Can you protect PHI when using public WiFi?

Mobile devices make it easy for healthcare providers to work while away from the office. But getting online at a coffee shop or airport often means connecting to a public WiFi network, which presents a risk to protected health information … Read More

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The status of mobile health apps: 11 facts

Observers were impressed when the number of mobile health apps reached 100,000 in Q1 2014. Today, that number has more than tripled and stakeholders within the health industry are embracing mobile health solutions. That’s according to a 2017 report from … Read More

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