Are There Better Ways to Price Medicare Drugs?

Prescription drug spending is rising fast and the Obama administration has proposed a plan to test new ways of pricing drugs covered under Medicare part B. National spending on prescription drugs was about $457 billion last year, nearly 17 percent … Read More

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A ‘Magic Wand’ for mHealth Security Concerns

Researchers at Dartmouth College have developed a ‘magic wand’ to wave away concerns about mHealth data security. The device called ‘Wanda’ uses radio waves to securely link mobile health devices in hospitals, clinics and the home. Wanda addresses a growing … Read More

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Pigeons Elevate Wearable Air Quality Monitors

In March a flock of ten trained pigeons wearing air quality ‘backpacks’ took flight across London to launch a novel air pollution monitoring campaign. The backpacks detected nitrogen dioxide and ozone, two main gases that make urban air pollution so … Read More

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What is the Internet of Things? (and why does it matter for healthcare?)

The Internet of Things (IoT) is a term first used in 1999 to describe a phenomenon that has since become commonplace: machine-to-machine communication using wireless technology. Healthcare IoT has huge potential to disrupt the industry while raising questions about data … Read More

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A Cookie Now or Cheap Health Insurance Later?

A recent study shows that premium-based financial incentives may not improve employee health (photo: Today, about 80 percent of large employers in the United States offer some sort of financial incentive for employees to improve their health. These workplace … Read More

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What Do Smart Inhalers Mean for Asthma Patients?

1 in 12 Americans have Asthma, a disease responsible for 10.5 million physician visits a year. While some of these patients carry rescue inhalers – used as necessary during asthma attacks – many use maintenance inhalers, which are prescribed on … Read More

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Next Steps for mHealth in 2016

Where is mHealth headed in 2016 and beyond? This question couldn’t be more relevant coming out of last week’s HIMSS conference in Las Vegas, which brought together 41,000 healthcare IT professionals, clinicians, executives and vendors. In light of the big … Read More

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Digital Social Networks for Patient Health

In 2007 Dave deBronkart was diagnosed with advanced kidney cancer, a disease with a median survival of 24 weeks. Dave’s doctor directed him to an online community of cancer patients called, where other patients gave Dave some medical advice … Read More

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Wearables and Nearables

You might be thinking that wearable health technology is the cutting edge of mobile medicine, but have you heard of “nearables”? That’s right – not all of the nearly 350 different “wearables” on the market can actually be worn. With … Read More

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Gilead and Egypt Lead a Drug Company Shift

There’s a big shift underway in how poor countries access prescription drugs. Since 2014 the Egyptian government has been buying sofosbuvir – the leading oral treatment for hepatitis C – from Gilead Sciences at 1 percent of the wholesale price … Read More

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