Masonry Blog

List of 2022 Healthcare IT and Digital Health Conferences

Conferences for all industries took a hit during the COVID-19 pandemic. But despite the setbacks, event organizers have continued announcing your favorite digital health conferences for 2022. Most events are in-person, with many offering options to attend online.  Whether in … Read More

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Smartphones in healthcare: an introduction

Here at Mobius MD, we’re committed to helping medical practices boost their EHR productivity with modern technology. That’s why, for nearly a decade, we’ve kept a weekly blog to share emerging ideas about medical workflow and smartphones in healthcare. Smartphones … Read More

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11 surprising mobile health statistics

Mobile health may seem like old news, but smartphone use for health and fitness is still growing fast in 2021. There are more mobile device users and mHealth apps than ever before. Most smartphones owners have downloaded an mHealth app … Read MoreRead More

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Streamline your clinical workflow with third-party EHR apps

Third-party electronic health record (EHR) apps allow providers to extend the features of their EHR system. But if you’ve ever visited an EHR app marketplace like athenahealth, Cerner, or Epic, you know the options are overwhelming. There are apps that … Read More

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6 ways to improve EMR productivity

Nearly all US doctors use electronic medical records, but for many this technology still represent a double-edged sword. EMRs should make healthcare more efficient and can improve the quality of care. But many physicians are spending more time behind the … Read More

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What is disruptive healthcare technology?

You might have heard the term “disruptive innovation” in discussions about healthcare and technology. What is disruptive technology, and what does it mean for healthcare? Disruptive innovation defined A new product, service, or business model is considered “disruptive” when it … Read More

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7 ways to easily document house call visits on the go

Physician house calls are making a comeback. As more providers visit patients in their homes, doctors need an easy way to document house call visits on the go. The following tips will help whether you’re a full-time house call physician … Read More

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Do EHRs actually contribute to physician burnout?

There’s a common belief that EHRs are a major factor contributing to physician burnout. But what does the research say? A 2020 study finds a significant connection, and that there’s something we can do about it.  EHRs and physician burnout … Read More

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Telehealth & COVID-19: 5 numbers physicians should know

Virtual care expanded quickly as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic, and the general consensus seems to be that there’s no going back. As a recent Hero Digital report summarizes, “The pandemic accelerated the shift to telehealth, patient preferences will … Read More

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Is your medical office Wi-Fi fast enough?

With the growing use of mobile devices in healthcare, clinics need fast wireless internet. But is your medical office Wi-Fi fast enough? Most small medical practices don’t have a dedicated IT staff person. This leaves physicians or administrators in charge … Read More

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