Masonry Blog

The best email newsletters for primary care physicians

How do you keep up with changes in healthcare when you’re a busy clinician? Email newsletters for primary care physicians are a great way to stay current with the latest news, research, and medical best practices. Email newsletters for primary … Read More

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What is Documentitis?

Documentitis is an inflammation affecting healthcare providers who spend too much time on the computer to meet burdensome documentation requirements.  If you’re a doctor or healthcare professional who spends over half of your work day on the computer, or if … Read More

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Speed up your medical dictation with this simple tip

Medical dictation can shave off hours of documentation time each week if you have the correct workflow. However, developing a system that allows you to get your notes done before leaving the office takes time and practice. What tips can … Read More

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The top digital health conferences in 2024

Digital health conferences are a great way to stay informed about the latest innovations in healthcare technology. Whether you’re a provider committed to continuous learning or a professional looking for your next position, it’s not too late to add a … Read More

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Mobius MD announces Conveyor AI medical scribe

Mobius MD is excited to announce Conveyor AI, a new AI medical scribe that can write 80% of a physician’s clinical note in 60 seconds. Say goodbye to after-hours EHR time. The Cure for ‘Documentitis’ Documentitis | noun 1: Inflammation … Read More

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APIs in Healthcare: A Guide for Physicians

An application programming interface (API) is a set of standards that govern how software applications talk to each other. APIs are increasingly important in healthcare data exchange, whether for data analytics, medical research, or creating innovative ways to access the … Read More

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Secure memos help doctors dictate clinical notes from anywhere

Do you ever wish you could use your medical dictation software on any computer and with any EHR? Mobius Conveyor is an iPhone app that makes universal dictation possible. You can even use Secure Memos to dictate clinical notes away … Read More

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4 reasons to upgrade from Dragon to Mobius

Physicians realize how easy-to-use mobile dictation apps like Dragon Medical One and Mobius Conveyor can streamline clinical documentation. Doctors can use a smartphone and the latest speech-to-text medical dictation software to reduce charting time by hours each week. Dragon has … Read More

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How do patients feel about AI in healthcare?

Providers should prepare to field patient concerns as healthcare systems increasingly integrate artificial intelligence. Knowing how patients feel about AI in healthcare can help clinicians engage more thoughtfully with this technology in clinical practice. How is artificial intelligence being used … Read More

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Medical Speech Recognition Software – Everything You Need to Know

This article covers everything you need to know about medical speech recognition software. We’ll tell you what it is, how it works, and what to look for when choosing a medical dictation solution. What is speech recognition software? Speech recognition … Read More

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