
Most experts agree COVID is endemic

Is COVID endemic?

Most public health experts agree that infection from SARS-CoV-2 is now at endemic, rather than pandemic, levels. However, calling COVID “endemic” risks encouraging a lackadaisical public response to a disease that still has serious consequences. Let’s review the state of … Read More

Is physician time being used well?

Physician time may be the most valuable resource in healthcare, but it’s not being used as well as it could be. Furthermore, it’s difficult to pinpoint precisely where doctors’ time goes during the workday.  A recent study published in the … Read More

The top 3 impacts of 5G in healthcare

The buzz about 5G has died down since initial deployments in 2019, but 5G connectivity is still growing fast. In 2022, nearly three-quarters of U.S. smartphone sales were 5G-enabled devices, and over 200 million Americans now have access to 5G … Read More

The long-term impact of COVID-19 on U.S. medical practices

Medical practices of all sizes and specialties are starting to feel the long-term impact of COVID-19. Whether they’re responding directly to the public health crisis or facing a decrease in patient volume as a result of it, practices are struggling … Read More

Is your smartphone a coronavirus risk? Tips for healthcare workers

As hygiene concerns skyrocket in light of the novel coronavirus, many people are asking an important question: Are smartphones a coronavirus risk? This question is especially relevant for healthcare workers who use their smartphone or tablet at work. Let’s look … Read More

What blockchain means for healthcare

What blockchain means for healthcare

“Blockchain” has become a big buzzword in the last few years. Though most of us have seen it in the headlines, few could explain what it is (try asking your coworker). You should care about blockchain because it isn’t just … Read More

Even the FDA is going mobile

Mobile devices like smartphones and tablets are transforming healthcare for patients and providers. Mobile medical apps allow patients to take a more active role in their care by supporting education, health tracking, wearables and reminders. Apps also streamline a huge … Read More

Should we all be wearing health wearables?

“There is basically ten orders of magnitude difference between the amount of data your car creates versus you,” exclaimed Verily Chief Technology Officer Brian Otis at the Health 2.0 Conference in Santa Clara, CA last fall. “And ostensibly, as people, … Read More

Can digital health solve the opioid epidemic?

Once a peripheral drug problem, opioid addiction has become an epidemic in the United States. To address the crisis, many innovators and government agencies are turning to digital health technologies. While words like “crisis” and “epidemic” may seem overblown, prescription … Read More

Why the new AMA initiative is an important step for digital health

The American Medical Association announced a new initiative yesterday that promises to “unleash a new era of patient care.” The Integrated Health Model Initiative (IHMI) is a collaborative effort to support a continuous learning environment that enables interoperable technology solutions … Read MoreRead More