
DAX Copilot vs. Conveyor AI: Choosing An AI Medical Scribe

Automated clinical documentation solutions like Conveyor AI and DAX Copilot are gaining momentum. These software programs are possible because of recent advances in generative AI, which allow computers to draft clinical notes accurately by listening to the doctor-patient interaction. Untethered from … Read More

How to solve the physician shortage

The physician shortage in the United States is significant and growing. Current projections anticipate a national shortage of up to 124,000 physicians by 2034. The shortage includes 48,000 primary care physicians and 77,100 specialists and is especially concerning in rural … Read More

Reduce after-clinic work with these practical tips

Physician burnout has become a significant problem, largely due to a growing administrative burden on medical professionals. Tasks like prior authorizations, quality reporting, messaging patients, and EHR documentation often overflow into after-clinic work. Most doctors are more intimately aware of … Read More

Manage your EHR inbox more effectively with these tips

Physicians are overwhelmed by administrative tasks that take the joy out of practicing medicine. We hear tips for streamlining clinical documentation, but what about the EHR inbox? One recent study of EHR use found that primary care doctors in a … Read More

Doctors using AI medical scribes for clinical documentation are freed to focus entirely on patients

Do AI medical scribes work?

Clinical documentation has become a significant source of professional dissatisfaction for doctors, who spend hours in the EHR daily. In addition, entering data during visits makes it harder for physicians to communicate empathetically with patients. Could AI medical scribes alleviate … Read More

How to improve physicians’ professional satisfaction

High rates of physician burnout have pushed healthcare to focus more on physicians’ professional satisfaction. For example, in the past decade, leaders have started talking about the Quadruple Aim of healthcare, which emphasizes provider well-being as a critical consideration alongside … Read More

How to use ChatGPT as a doctor

Everyone’s talking about ChatGPT, but you’ve been busy seeing patients and haven’t tried it. This article will explain ChatGPT in simple terms and provide four examples of how you could use ChatGPT as a doctor. What is Chat GPT? Chat … Read More

Strategies for practicing at the top of your license

“Practicing at the top of your license” is a catchphrase that refers to healthcare workers operating at their highest level of education, training, and competencies. The most common example is medical practices supplementing physicians with nurse practitioners and physician assistants … Read More

How to increase patient volume by 48% while working less

What if you could increase patient volume while reducing your clinical team’s stress, improving professional fulfillment, and enhancing the patient experience? A researched intervention at a family practice clinic in Michigan found that this may be simpler than you think. … Read More

What is the Quadruple Aim of healthcare?

The Triple Aim of healthcare refers to three goals: enhancing the patient experience, improving population health, and reducing costs. However, in the past decade, physicians and healthcare leaders have realized that we can only accomplish the Triple Aim if the … Read More