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Doctor using EHR

3 Best EHR Systems in 2024

Here’s some good news to brighten your day: many doctors feel that EHR systems improved their product performance in 2024. Despite the many headaches caused by a growing clinical documentation burden, it’s great to know that the best EHR systems … Read More

The Best Dictation Software for Doctors Who Use Macs

Many physicians use speech-to-text medical dictation software to save time on clinical notes. If you’re a doctor who uses a Mac, you likely value a clean, simple, functional aesthetic. You need an easy-to-use dictation software that understands medical terminology and … Read More

DAX Copilot vs. Conveyor AI: Choosing An AI Medical Scribe

Automated clinical documentation solutions like Conveyor AI and DAX Copilot are gaining momentum. These software programs are possible because of recent advances in generative AI, which allow computers to draft clinical notes accurately by listening to the doctor-patient interaction. Untethered from … Read More

The Best Free Medical Dictation Apps

Medical dictation is a great way to streamline EMR documentation and save time. Fortunately, improvements in speech recognition software have fueled a growing list of professional software and free medical dictation apps. However, there are many options, and it can … Read More

Medical transcriptionist typing

Medical transcription: a brief history

Medical transcription has a long history and is still evolving with new technology like generative AI. Understanding this history can help current healthcare providers reflect on their purpose and process for documenting care in the 21st century.  History of medical … Read More

Logos of the top medical practice software tools in 2024

Beyond the EMR: Top medical practice software tools in 2024

You’ve found the best EMR for your specialty and streamlined your documentation workflow. However, managing a successful medical practice in 2024 will require lots of work beyond the EMR. You must maintain an online presence, manage scheduling, and securely communicate … Read More

Doctor talking to a patient while ambient clinical intelligence documents the visit

Will ambient clinical intelligence solve healthcare’s documentation problem? 

Nobody went to medical school so they could spend hours a day entering data into an EHR. However, surveys show that many doctors spend over 15 hours weekly on paperwork and administration. Could ambient clinical intelligence be the solution? If … Read More

What is Documentitis?

Documentitis is an inflammation affecting healthcare providers who spend too much time on the computer to meet burdensome documentation requirements.  If you’re a doctor or healthcare professional who spends over half of your work day on the computer, or if … Read More

Speed up your medical dictation with this simple tip

Medical dictation can shave off hours of documentation time each week if you have the correct workflow. However, developing a system that allows you to get your notes done before leaving the office takes time and practice. What tips can … Read More

Mobius MD announces Conveyor AI medical scribe

Mobius MD is excited to announce Conveyor AI, a new AI medical scribe that can write 80% of a physician’s clinical note in 60 seconds. Say goodbye to after-hours EHR time. The Cure for ‘Documentitis’ Documentitis | noun 1: Inflammation … Read More