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Ten ways to reduce patient wait times

Few things frustrate patients more than waiting for a long time to see their medical provider. But it’s actually good news for physicians that delays are one of the main variables impacting patient satisfaction. One of the easiest ways to … Read More

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Strategies for practicing at the top of your license

“Practicing at the top of your license” is a catchphrase that refers to healthcare workers operating at their highest level of education, training, and competencies. The most common example is medical practices supplementing physicians with nurse practitioners and physician assistants … Read More

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A step-by-step guide to taking perfect clinical notes

Clinical record keeping is integral to good professional practice and quality healthcare. But as healthcare changes with new technology and reimbursement models, so should clinical documentation. Whether you’re a medical student, resident, or established physician with decades of experience, it … Read More

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Medical dictation for iPhone: An introduction

Are you considering using your iPhone for medical dictation? Here are answers to the most common dictation questions for doctors who use an Apple mobile device.  What is mobile medical speech-to-text? If you’re considering using your iPhone or iPad for … Read More

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Should you use a smartphone app or dictaphone for medical dictation?

Medical dictation using speech-to-text software is an effective way to streamline clinical documentation. But until recently, if you wanted to dictate medical notes on your work computer or laptop, you needed to plug in a separate microphone. Technology is changing … Read MoreRead More

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How to increase patient volume by 48% while working less

What if you could increase patient volume while reducing your clinical team’s stress, improving professional fulfillment, and enhancing the patient experience? A researched intervention at a family practice clinic in Michigan found that this may be simpler than you think. … Read More

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What is the Quadruple Aim of healthcare?

The Triple Aim of healthcare refers to three goals: enhancing the patient experience, improving population health, and reducing costs. However, in the past decade, physicians and healthcare leaders have realized that we can only accomplish the Triple Aim if the … Read More

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Doctors: patient wait times are a bigger problem than you think

Patient wait times are a growing problem in healthcare, but most physicians underestimate the problem. Nearly two-thirds (63%) of doctors believe wait times have “no impact” or “minimal impact” on their ability to retain patients, according to a survey from … Read More

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Should healthcare standardize EHR note templates?

Most providers use EHR note templates, but these templates are rarely standardized. Instead, most clinicians develop templates that fit their personal documentation workflow.  Templates are a valuable documentation tool, but what gets lost when they aren’t shared or standardized? And … Read More

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What are EHR templates?

Electronic health record templates are customizable forms that help providers collect, present, and organize clinical data. When used appropriately, templates can reduce typing and help physicians spend less time on documentation and more time with patients. Optimize your EHR The … Read More

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