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What you need to know about giving patients access to clinical notes

A new federal rule requires that all providers give patients access to clinical notes starting April 5, 2021. As a practicing physician, what do you need to know? Patients are now required to have access to clinical notes The new … Read More

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How do physicians use mobile devices in healthcare?

Smartphones are now so ubiquitous that many of us take mobile devices in healthcare for granted. But it hasn’t always been so obvious how, or even if, these devices would add value for clinicians. The role of smartphones and tablets … Read More

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Should you use the Conveyor software or Conveyor USB for dictation?

Mobius Conveyor is a premium medical dictation software compatible with any computer. It works by turning the iPhone in your pocket into a universal documentation device, so you can instantly dictate into any EMR. But as you get started with … Read More

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2021 Digital Health Conferences

Conferences for all industries took a hit in 2020, with many events canceled or replaced with digital webinars due to the COVID-19 pandemic. But despite the setbacks, event organizers have continued announcing your favorite digital health conferences for 2021.  Typically … Read MoreRead More

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7 habits of highly efficient physicians

Research has shown that family physicians manage an immense administrative burden. One recent study of 142 family medicine doctors found they spend on average one and a half hours after work completing EHR tasks or paperwork. This nightly “pajama time” … Read More

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How to use EHR Macros with mobile dictation

When it comes to clinical documentation, less is often more. As a great physician, you want to balance being thorough with being able to stop working when you get home from the office. EHR macros can help reduce the amount … Read More

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Mobius Conveyor: The New Medical Keyboard

Physicians are more mobile than ever in our modern healthcare environment. But as a clinician, the technology you use for documentation may not be designed for the realities of your workday. That’s why Mobius has created Conveyor: the new Medical … Read More

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Mobius Conveyor sets a new standard for intuitive medical dictation

Electronic medical records revolutionized healthcare, but they came with a big catch: typing. Mobius Conveyor is the high-end, next-generation software that makes medical dictation more intuitive than ever before. … Read More

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Is your medical office Wi-Fi fast enough?

With the growing use of mobile devices in healthcare, medical offices need fast wireless internet. But is your medical office Wi-Fi fast enough? Small practices are unlikely to have a dedicated IT staff person, leaving physicians or administrators in charge … Read MoreRead More

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How will 5G impact healthcare?

You’ve probably heard some buzz about 5G, the next generation of cellular network technology. But what exactly is 5G and how will it impact healthcare? 5G: the basics The G in 5g means it’s a new generation of wireless technology. … Read MoreRead More

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