
Is your medical office Wi-Fi fast enough?

With the growing use of mobile devices in healthcare, clinics need fast wireless internet. But is your medical office Wi-Fi fast enough? Most small medical practices don’t have a dedicated IT staff person. This leaves physicians or administrators in charge … Read More

How do physicians use mobile devices in healthcare?

Smartphones are now so ubiquitous that many of us take mobile devices in healthcare for granted. But it hasn’t always been so obvious how, or even if, these devices would add value for clinicians. The role of smartphones and tablets … Read More

How to use EHR Macros with mobile dictation

When it comes to clinical documentation, less is often more. As a great physician, you want to balance being thorough with being able to stop working when you get home from the office. EHR macros can help reduce the amount … Read More

Is your medical office Wi-Fi fast enough?

With the growing use of mobile devices in healthcare, medical offices need fast wireless internet. But is your medical office Wi-Fi fast enough? Small practices are unlikely to have a dedicated IT staff person, leaving physicians or administrators in charge … Read MoreRead More

benefits of mobile devices in healthcare

What are the benefits of mobile devices in healthcare?

Smartphones and tablets are quickly becoming a mainstay in hospitals and clinics. Physicians point to three main benefits of mobile devices in healthcare: better staff coordination, improved patient communication, and mobile access to EHRs. That’s according to a mobile health … Read MoreRead More

Mobius Clinic’s Document Library helps physicians save time completing forms

Healthcare providers are spending more time than ever on documentation and paperwork, leading many down a path of frustration and burnout. If you’re a physician looking for an easy and efficient way to save time completing forms, you have to … Read MoreRead More

Mobius vs. AthenaOne: What’s the best mobile app for athenaClinicals?

In the mobile era, doctors who use athenaClinicals need an easy way to connect to the EHR from their smartphone or tablet. But while athenahealth’s mobile app is a solid choice, it lacks important features like built-in dictation. Let’s compare … Read More

Benefits of a mobile EMR during the pandemic

As smartphones become nearly essential for daily life, more doctors are realizing that their mobile device is also a valuable clinical tool. This has never been more apparent than during the COVID-19 pandemic when flexibility and efficiency are at a … Read More

Apple vs. Android: Which smartphone is most secure for clinicians?

Smartphones and tablets are now an integral part of operations in many healthcare settings. Used intelligently, mobile devices can save time, improve clinical documentation, and reduce after hours EHR time. But they also create new challenges for securing patient data. … Read More

What does mobile EHR access mean for patients and providers?

Nearly every American owns a smartphone, making technology and communication increasingly mobile. As electronic health record software catches up to this trend, it’s easier than ever to access EHRs on the go. The result is a range of apps that … Read More