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How can hospitals better address population health?

The healthcare industry is making strides in population health, which leverages holistic care models to improve outcomes while reducing costs. But many organizations struggle to scale existing efforts – an essential step as they role out value-based payment contracts. The … Read More

Mobile app addresses high rates of HIV among youth

Young people under the age of 25 suffer from HIV and other sexually transmitted diseases at higher than normal rates, in part due to inadequate sex education, persistent stigma and other barriers to getting tested. Fortunately, there’s an app for … Read More

Do cellphones cause cancer?

While sporadic claims about cellphones and cancer go back several decades, most evidence finds no correlation. But a new study from the National Toxicology Program (NTP) has reignited concerns, which it turns out were never totally debunked in the first … Read More

Computer vision syndrome affects more than 60 million Americans

Imagine this: you’ve been catching up with your mHealth news, answering some emails, and working on that report due next week. But after a couple hours, it gets harder to focus on your work. You’re vision is a little blurry … Read More

New activity tracker for a niche sport

Activity tracking wearable devices are one of the fastest growing tech categories, according to a 2016 report from the Consumer Technologies Association. Based on CTA’s survey, 20 percent of U.S. households now own an activity tracking wearable, and 15 percent … Read More

Get Your Next Eye Exam on Your Laptop

Opternative is a Chicago-based startup that launched in 2012 and now offers the first online refractive eye exam. With $40 and no trip to the doctor, patients aged 18-40 can get a signed prescription for glasses or contacts. While Opternative … Read More

Encouraging Doctors to Embrace mHealth

As EHRs become the norm, with 97 percent of U.S. hospitals now using certified EHR technology, how can physicians maximize time with patients? We discuss this in further detail on athenahealth’s CloudView Blog. You can read the full article here: … Read More

Ten Important Moments on the Path to Precision Medicine

We’ve come a long way since Gregor Mendel, the father of modern genetics, presented his research on experiments in plant hybridization in 1865. The Augustinian monk spent years crossing pea plant varieties in a monastery garden in the Czech Republic. … Read More

A Big Year for Precision Medicine

Geisinger’s MyCode Community Health initiative recently reached its goal of enrolling 100,000 participants, marking a major milestone for precision medicine. The news comes just months after the White House announced important pilot projects that move the President’s Precision Medicine Initiative … Read More